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Home >> Relaxation Techniques  

 Relaxation Techniques

Here are twelve things you can do to reduce the level of stress in your life:

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  1. Reduce your intake of caffeine: Research shows that people who drink coffee or other beverages containing caffeine while they are working, experience intensified stress.
  2. Avoid alcohol and drugs: They are not stress relievers; they are actually stress intensifiers.
  3. Take a warm bath.
  4. Reduce your intake of sugar, too much of which can increase your stress.
  5. If you are angry with someone, write a letter, include unpleasant remarks, too. Read it, then tear it up. Write it, but do not send it.
  6. Smile: If that sounds too elementary, try it. Remember, not a grimace but a smile.
  7. When you are busy with a task, try to concentrate completely only on what you are doing. Forget the boss or why you got the assignment. Your work and your stress level will improve.
  8. Cry: Crying can release anxiety, so do not be afraid to just let yourself go now and then.
  9. Take time out everyday to have at least a few minutes of fun. If you cannot bring yourself to 'play' at least try to find pleasure in something between the time you  wake up in the morning and the time you go to sleep at night.
  10. Understand that not every task can or needs to be done perfectly. Striving for  unattainable  perfection is a common stress producer.
  11. Breathing exercises: Breathe in gently as you let your head drop back. Exhale as you let your head fall forward as far as it will go naturally and comfortably. Breathe deeply, with the diaphragm pushing down, while your chest remains almost still. This type of breathing is central core to relaxing. Once you become accustomed to it, you can use it as a secret weapon, employing it whenever you get into a stressful situation.
  12. Systemic relaxation exercises include progressively relaxing and tensing the muscles in different muscle groups. There are many different ways to do this. Lie on the floor or sit comfortably in a chair. You can practice this technique at your desk.

The rewards of bringing your stress under control are many, varied, and go far beyond the important benefit of removing a risk factor for heart disease from your life. Stress management is the key to improving your outlook on life and to forging closer relations with associates, friends and loved ones. Do your heart and yourself a favor by learning to manage your stress.


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